Examples Of Our Living History Workshops & Parties

Brigantes, the Freed Roman Slave telling stories

Roman History Alive workshop 
Watch as history jumps out of the books!

  • Hear all about a typical day in the life of Briggantes and his Roman masters
  • Ask him anything you like (within Roman reason)
  • Get out of your seats and try out a Roman Soldier’s Drill – find out what all this has to do with Tortoises!
  • Hear a fantastic story from Briggantes and maybe even help him to tell it.

The workshops can happen wherever you like, but are most suitable for schools, libraries and for groups of less than 50 children.


Jake the Pirate Storyteller

Pirate party
Liven up your party with an unusual guest!

  • Get the kids into character by having their faces painted eye patches, beards, even nasty cutlass scars
  • Join in with pirate training, all your usual party games but with that certain piratical twist
  • Join in with a sea shanty or two and a rip roaring story complete with balloon swords for every trainee pirate.

Simply email with details of the party you require, including numbers, location, length of party and any special tweaks you may require.


Gruff the Mystical, Medieval Storyteller

Roaming Storyteller let’s say Medieval

Gruff the troubadour will welcome guests to your fair or festival.

Play the part of ‘Master of Ceremonies’, handing out awards and leading activities.

He will wander and entertain then gather people in when they are ready for a story.